My Weight Loss Journey

My whole life I’ve been the big girl, fluffy, lots of “baby weight”, whatever you want to call it. My whole family, other than my father and little sister, are “fluffy” either due to Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, or just general lack of care for their own body. I always thought I was like them and had Hypothyroidism or that it was my birth control that caused my terrible weight. Two months ago, I got tired of NOT knowing why I was gaining weight and went to my doctor. I do NOT have hypothyroidism. While this is GREAT, it means that my weight is my fault and no one else to blame. I asked her what to do, I want to be & look healthy.

So she recommended me to start running, (using Couch 2 5K-C25K) (MFP), and going lo-carb. I have been using MFP RELIGIOUSLY, and well honestly, I have been on week 1 of C25K for a while now. I am re-learning how to run, but I try. 

But since then I have felt such a sense of accomplishment. I swim for at least 30 mins, 4-5 times a week, my body is toning up, I get sick when I carb load (PIZZA is my enemy) and I mentally feel better. MFP regulates my calorie intake for me, or well I use it for that as well as documenting my exercise, and I use to log exercise too. It’s kind of fun because, me being a neo-nerd, it allows me to level up every time I work out as well as complete challenges & quests.

I haven’t weighed in yet, kind of scared to. As of June 4, 2012 I weighed 185lbs and am 5’4″. My goal is to get to 125, depending on how it looks on me. I want a body fat % to be between 18-20. But I know I CAN & WILL get there, with time & effort.

I know a lot of people struggle everyday with how they feel about themselves. They constantly say “It’s too hard”, “I am not strong enough”, “I am embarrassed to be in public”, “I’ve been this way my whole life-I can’t change”. I really feel like they never will with that attitude. there will come a point, like for myself, when you realize that you can either spend the rest of your life hating yourself & being jealous of those people who succeed, hating the dressing room being scared to rip clothes, hating beach weather, etc…or you could take that one step to change your life. It’s hard, sometimes you will want to give up (I know I do everyday) but making just a small effort can change your life and your happiness. Every little thing you do extra, whether it be walking the road for 15 mins, or swimming harder, or going up & down the stairs a few more times, will all add up & help you on your way! I believe in myself and in you.

~Life & Love~